At Life Spring we believe in supporting mission organizations and missionaries all over the world. 12% of every dollar that is donated to our church goes to supporting these organizations and more! We know the call is great and the time is short for making an impact and we are thankful to partner with these precious missionaries, as together, we are making a difference all around the world and in our own backyard.

Bill and Gretchen Schwartz
Hope for Europe
In 2002 Bill & Gretchen Schwartz moved their family of four to Ronse, Belgium. In Ronse, their mission was to plant a new church in this unreached city. This eventually led to serving in a local Bible school to train leaders. Through the years, Hope for Europe has broadened its borders to serving beyond Belgium and into other European nations. Their passion and desire is to make disciples, train leaders, and plant churches. The mission of Hope for Belgium is becoming a reality one person and one church at a time!

Josh and Sara Vaughn
KLIP International
Josh and Sarah started KLIP International School in Tulare County, California. KLIP International was a school dedicated to teaching students with a Biblical World View. The Vaughns now concentrate their time in training educators around the globe with a mission to teach the foundations of Biblical World View and seeing Christ’s Kingdom established in the whole earth through every medium available.

Jerry and Teresa Vaughn
Living Word International
The Vaughns are long-time missionaries. They have established works in the nations of Panama, Guatemala, Venezuela, and others. This couple has been faithful to the call of God and to the nations of the earth. They are now based out of Oklahoma, and give Apostolic oversight to churches and church leaders all over the world. They serve on the council of ATI and, through relationships, serve the body of Christ in a variety of ways.

Naca TIkoduadua
The Nation of Fiji
Naca is a native of Fiji with a desire to see young people accept salvation in Jesus Christ, discover their purpose, and walk that purpose out all the days of their lives. His ministry reaches far into the public school system of the nation of Fiji and they are working hard to bring the gospel of Christ to the entire region.

Apostolic Teams International
The vision of ATI is to see apostolic teams emerge worldwide using a variety of gifts to plant, establish, and serve churches. This includes offering leadership, oversight, and accountability to churches and ministries that are spiritually related.

Troy and Myra Chappell
Freedom Recovery
Troy and Myra serve those battling with addiction and homelessness here in Palm Beach County. Their ministry serves these precious people in a variety of ways by providing spiritual and emotional healing, assistance through halfway housing, counseling, mentoring, a healthy community, and so much more.

Mountaineer’s School of Autism
Providing a safe and therapeutic educational environment tailored to Students with Disabilities (SWD). We focus on students with Autism Spectrum Disorder and include those with Dual Diagnosis such as Deaf/Hard of Hearing (DHH) and Visual Impairments (VI). Our approach includes grads K-12 where every child’s educational plan is individually tailored and executed utilizing a continually multidisciplinary approach implemented by highly trained staff and therapists.

Meals on Wheels of the Palm Beaches
Supporting our community and dedicated to addressing senior isolation and hunger. We serve to provide nutritious meals, friendly visits and safety checks that enable the seniors in our community to live nourished lives with independence and dignity.

Grandma’s Place
Providing shelter and loving care to children who are suffering abuse or neglect and have been removed from their homes; and providing support to parents/caregivers of children with special needs to maximize each child’s safety and success.